Elsie puppies were born on the 12th October 2016.
She had a long but relatively stress free birth with the puppies being born naturally.
Elsie has 8 puppies in all, 5 bitches and 3 dogs.
She had a long but relatively stress free birth with the puppies being born naturally.
Elsie has 8 puppies in all, 5 bitches and 3 dogs.
Dogs are an altricial species meaning they are born in an undeveloped state and require lots of care and feeding. When puppies are born, they cannot see or hear, as their ears and eyes are sealed shut. They also cannot urinate and defecate (Pee and Pooh) by themselves!. Puppies make noise, called et-epimeletic sounds that are primarity aimed at soliciting care. Elsie doesn't reply at all as she knows they cannot hear!